Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Like other businesses and retailers worldwide, we are closely monitoring the ongoing developments related to Coronavirus by keeping up with the World Health Organization and CDC for updates and directives. We appreciate you and will always have your health and best interests as our number one priority.
We want to reassure you that we recognize the importance of addressing your concerns and taking extra safety precautions to keep you and our staff safe and healthy.
What are some of the things we are doing to keep everyone safe?
Our entire team is healthy and ready to take care of you! We continue to follow applicable occupational health and safety regulations, every day – regardless of season or sickness. A few of our sanitation and cleaning measures are detailed below:
- After each guest, all fitting rooms are sprayed down with disinfectant
- After each guest, all items in the rooms are wiped down with disinfectant
- Common areas are frequently wiped down with disinfectant
- Employees are instructed to follow CDC best practices, such as frequent hand washing, to keep themselves and others safe
What if a staff member or you are ill or have been exposed to someone who is sick?
We are encouraging Castle Couture staff to remain home if they are ill or have had contact with someone who is ill. If you or someone you’ve been in contact with is feeling unwell, sick, or recovering from illness but still exhibiting outward symptoms (e.g., sniffling, runny nose, coughing), we respectfully request that you reschedule your appointment, if applicable, and do not come in to the store. Castle Couture is waiving all cancellation fees associated with our bridal and evening wear appointments until further notice.
What can you do to help?
Please reschedule your appointment, if applicable, if you are ill or have had contact with someone who is ill. It is not personal but a matter of public health, so please do not be offended if we request that you reschedule your appointment if we observe visible symptoms when you are here.
Please understand that, for now, we will exchange SMILES instead of handshakes and hugs. Your flexibility is appreciated if personnel, schedule, or store hour changes need to occur.
We will continue to closely monitor the situation and developments. Please know our commitment to a clean environment will always remain important. Stay in the loop for any changes and announcements by checking our social media outlets.
Thank you for your continued support as we navigate through this worldwide health concern together.
Castle Couture